Monday, July 29, 2013

Alice : Who Art Thou?

A prison warden, Hettie Wheeldon, Winnie Mason, and Alice Wheeldon in January 1917 
 File:Hettie Wheeldon, Winnie Mason and Alice Wheeldon.jpg

Alice Ann Wheeldon (1866 – 1919) was a member of the Independent Labour Party, a  pacifist and a campaigner against our involvement in the First World War. She was arrested in 1917 along with her family and imprisoned. Evidence given in the case against them was fabricated by a government which was eager to disgrace the antiwar movement. She was falsely convicted of conspiring to kill the Prime Minister, Lloyd George.  See here for more details.

 Derby People's History

Alice Wheeldon: a daughter of Derby to be proud of
Derby Guildhall
Saturday 14th Sept : 10.30 – 22.30

This year Derby has honoured Alice Wheeldon with a Blue Plaque; recognising that an injustice was done to her family. Our day will look at the conditions before and during and before the WW1, with talks, music, performance, an Art Exhibition and discuss peace and justice at a time of war. It will be lively and enjoyable, so book your place now and tell your friends.

We have the fabulous Peggy Seeger in the evening (£12.00 and £10.00), Robb Johnson & Rosa’s Lovely Daughters, Workshops and Art (£1.00 day ticket).
Tickets from Derby Live Website.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Next Discussion Meeting - 8th September




TIME:              8pm to 9.15pm

DATE:             SUNDAY, 8th SEPTEMBER, 2013


Anne (photo above) is the Labour Leader of the Derbyshire County Council
and County Councillor for Clowne and Barlborough. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What Are Your Responses To Ken?

Below are two related items from Ken Curran who is a regular at our Discussion Meetings. Responses are welcome in our comment box.

(1) Is Labour in Terminal Decline?

The signs are certainly not good across Europe. The Democratic Left are in trouble. All the various opinion polls tell a similar story. Democratic Socialist Parties across Europe are failing to present alternative policies to the electorate which would give the electorate confidence in a socialist alternative. The reason being that our parties are not opposing free market and finance capitalism. We occupy the same middle ground as those we are supposed to oppose.

To the average voter. our parties are almost indistinguishable. None of Europe's Democratic Socialist Parties present an alternative to free market and finance capitalism. While many of us know the present system is completely unsustainable, our leaders fail to admit the inescapable reality. There may be some excuse for many who fail to quite understand what is happening to our world in both economic and environmental terms. There is no excuse for those amongst us who do have an understanding. The silence on part of many of our political class is nothing short of criminal negligence. Since August 2008 our economies have been in chaos. Five years on and we are still no further forward. None of Europe's so-called Socialist Leaders have, to the best of my knowledge made statements presenting socialist alternatives which will give voters confidence to support our Socialist Parties. All across Europe, the political establishment appears to suffer from mental paralysis. They appear to live in fear of saying anything in case they frighten the very monster which is currently devouring Europe - namely Finance Capitalism.

During the late 19th Century and the 20th Century, Democratic Socialism offered hope to the poor and the dispossessed. Today we have no vision. The only hope we offer are food parcels and sympathy. Ed Miliband's "One Nation" Labour statement which was enclosed to Labour Party Members along with a ballot paper for selecting Labour Euro Candidates is about as exciting as a wet Sunday in Doncaster. In spite of all the dire information about climate change, future famines, floods and people losing their homes - none of these are mentioned. We genuinely deserve better leadership than this. We are just being fed the same kind of trash which we have heard many times before. It is rather wearing that the quality of the thinking is as poor as the so-called solutions. If Democratic Socialism can produce nothing better than "One Nation Labour", then Europeans should fear for the future.

(2) Building a Socialist Vision for Europe.

A Guardian leader column back in 25 May about Europe's centre-left was headed "A Programme Without Frontiers". It dealt with the question of the decline in Europe's electoral support for all of the centre-left parties in Europe. The article raises the question which a number of us in the Yorkshire Co-operative Party have pursued for some time. It asks whether Europe's Centre-Left Parties would have more credibility if they could offer a European-wide centre-left programme. In the light of the experience since the collapse of the Banks and the Market in 2008 one would have thought that Europe's Socialist Leaders would have been trying to find solutions to the present crisis which were more akin to their political ethics.

Up to the present time there has not been any real sign of seeking a collective approach based upon socialist ethics. The Democratic Left are failing to create a political vision for Europe which the electorate of all of Europe would be able to identify as being different from the Centre Right. This is just like when the Democratic Left failed to create the great European Vision sort by Keir Hardie before the First World War and then failed again in the 1920s and 1930s with the rise of Fascism and the Second World War. The political inertia in Europe should concern us all. We have to learn that it is just that form of indecisiveness which provided Hitler with the circumstances which led to the Second World War.  Within the Democratic Left there is no dialogue with our comrades in Europe. When our leaders meet, regrettably they are not discussing alternative solutions where our political ethos can be distinguished from the politicians of the Centre Right. There is a distinct lack of serious discussion amongst the Parties of the Democratic Left in Europe to create a comprehensive debate which is inclusive and gives individual members the opportunity to help to build a socialist vision of Europe. Our leaders are so committed to finding quick and easy solutions to the problems of climate change and the economy that, by and large, they apply sticking plaster to wounds that actually require major surgery. They paper over the cracks in the wallpaper of capitalism, leaving the problems, whilst trying to secure the political power they seek by pragmatism.  By and large, Europe's Democratic Left have neither a Map nor Compass in order to plot a political course.

We need to make our own links with our sister parties in Europe and begin the process of creating a structure which could lead towards forming an alternative structure which could lead forward towards creating an alternative Democratic Socialist vision of Europe. We need to act quickly as events may overtake us, leaving the Democratic Left without hope or influence in the future.   

Ken Curran, Chair Sheffield Branch of the Yorkshire Co-operative Party. Democratic School or Socialism